Committees & Volunteer Opportunities

The Washington Planned Giving Council (WPGC) has several standing committees where Board members and non-Board Council members work to ensure that our educational offerings and communications are valuable, compelling, and current. Committee membership is a great way to build your planned giving network and expand your knowledge of the field. New committee members are always welcome! For questions on how to get more involved, please contact WPGC at

Award and Scholarship Committee

Chair: Carol Borgmann

The Awards Committee is in charge of selecting the honoree for the annual Professional Achievement Award at the WPGC Annual Planned Giving Day Conference.  The award is to publicly recognize a career of dedication and a remarkable accumulation of knowledge in the field of planned giving. 

Communications Committee

Chair: Sarah Freeman

The Communications Committee oversees the WPGC website and email correspondence sent by the WPGC as well as cross-promotion with other organizations.

Membership Committee

Chair: Megan Little

The Membership Committee actively seeks to expand and engage its network by recruiting professionals in the field of planned giving. They strive to create a diverse and vibrant community of members who are dedicated to promoting philanthropy and educating others about the benefits of planned giving.

Mentorship Committee

Chair: Marcie Hinthorne

The Mentorship Committee facilitates meaningful connections and knowledge sharing between experienced professionals and emerging leaders in the field of planned giving.

Planned Giving Day Conference Committee

The Conference Committee plans all aspects of the premier Planned Giving Annual Conference in this region each year. This includes selecting topics to address the most relevant gift planning topics of the day, inviting and scheduling speakers for all conference sessions, securing the date and location of the conference, preparing conference materials, and marketing the event.

Program Committee

Chair: Lisa Peters & Kate Thayer

The Program Committee selects the topics for our luncheon programs, invites and schedules speakers, and compiles the follow-up surveys. The monthly luncheons are at the core of WPGC’s array of educational offerings. 

Sponsorship Committee

Chair: Cristina Bailet

The Sponsorship Committee secures support from corporations and foundations each year to support our Planned Giving Day Conference. The Sponsorship Committee oversees the recognition of our sponsors and promotion of our sponsorship opportunities year-round.

Other Volunteer Opportunities

In addition to joining the committees above, you can volunteer to assist with Council activities, from working the day of our Planned Giving Day Conference, to running the registration table at our luncheons, to hosting our Virtual Seminars. Volunteering is another way to get the most from your WPGC membership! For questions on how you can volunteer, please contact the WPGC office at